 | Radjabov obvlada španski gambit! |  |
Objavljeno: 28 Apr 2008 06:36 |
LanKurent |
Administrator foruma |
Pridružen/-a: 27.02. 2007, 14:02 |
Prispevkov: 420 |
Kraj: Dob pri Domžalah |
Uf, kako se je upiral S. Mamedyarovu
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! GM Sergey Shipov invites you to the 6th round of the Baku tournament. Yesterday was a free day, not only did we have a marvelous siteseeing, but also played football - the locals against the foreigners. A tight struggle ended with a draw 7-7 and in penalty shootouts, we won the local hospitable team. At the moment, my body aches due to my lack of experience, however I still managed to enjoy the game. Stretched, and even scored. And now with great enthusiasm I am back to chess. Today, we will be watching the battle of Baku giants - an exciting meeting of Azerbaijani chess leaders. In ranking, Teimour and Shakriyar are excelling each other. Both are young and still have chances of winning the tournament. Yet, both are very different! Mamedyarov is boyishly hot-tempered, thus he is playing aggressively and recklessly. On the other hand, Radjabov is very careful. He has gone through a vast number of super chess tournaments and due to this, his priority is carefullness. Who will win? Let's watch the game.
1.e4 First move and the first surprise. Shakriyar usually prefers 1.d4.
1...e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Ruy Lopez defense.
3...f5 Of course, Yanish gambit! Radjabov is principally using this previously forgotten variant, and gave it a new life. Supposedly, this is what Mamedjarov was hoping for. Probably, he has new ideas in his mind.
4.d3 A sharper continuation do not promise an overbalance.
4...fxe4 5.dxe4 Nf6 6.O-O Bc5 Obviously, to devour the piece on e4 - without development and with a weakened king - is like commiting suicide.
7.Qd3 Now, the castle of Black is becoming harder. White queen is ready to make a double strike on c4. This position was previously implemented, three days ago, at this tournament in the game Svidler - Radjabov. Is it true that Teimour's novice 7. Nd4, which is so highly valued by Peter, is already denied by Shakhriyar?
7...d6 After a series of hesitations, a careful fighter went to the previous position. Radjabov did not risk to check the analysis of his compatriot in this highly ranked battle. At the moment, the result is more important.
8.Qc4 It is evident that Mamedjarov meticulously studied this line.
8...Qe7 The Black is preparing an obstacle on e5 in order to lead the king away from the centre.
9.Nc3 The White, in its turn, is preparing an unpleasant stumble of the knight on d5.
9...Bd7 The second direction of the escape is to the queenside.
10.Nd5 Nxd5 11.exd5 Nd4 12.Bxd7+ Qxd7 13.Nxe5
[In the memorable game Topalov - Radjabov, in Morelia-Linares, 2008, the following moves were made
13.Nxd4 Bxd4 14.a4 a6 15.Be3 Bxe3 16.fxe3 O-O-O 17.Rf2 Rdf8 18.Raf1 Rxf2 19.Rxf2 Kb8 20.b3 Qe7 21.Qe4 g6 and the black pieces were able to neutralize the minimal overbalance of White.]
13...Qf5! A composed answer.
[Exchange of
13...dxe5 is in favor the White.
14.Nd3 O-O-O 15.a4 Defense against the threat b7-b5, followed by a preparation for the future attack.
[A sudden attack
15.Nxc5 dxc5 16.Qxc5 led to an absolute equality in the game.
16...Nxc2 17.Bf4
(17.Rb1 Rxd5 18.Qxa7? Ra5! -+)
17...Qxf4 18.Qxc2 Rxd5 etc.]
15...Rhe8 16.Kh1! According to GM Igor Nataf, this move was met in one of the corresponding games. In the analysis, it seems to be the strongest one, and this is not a coincidence.
[The necessity of preventative measures for White is evident in the line
16.b4? Re4! 17.Kh1 Nf3 18.Qa2 Rh4! 19.Bf4 Qxf4! 20.Nxf4 Rxh2#]
[In the game Mesherekov - Agrest, Stockholm, 2008, the White played poorly
16.Nxc5? dxc5 17.Qxc5 Rxd5 18.Qxa7? Ne2+ 19.Kh1 Ra5! and this was a time to give up. The queen is caught!]
A strong and new idea.
[It was ineffective here,
16...Re4 due to 17.f3! Rh4
(17...Nxf3 18.Qc3!)
18.Bf4! and in all lines, the White gain advantage -
18...Rxf4 19.Nxf4 Qxf4 20.c3
(20.b4 b5!)
20...Ne6 21.Qd3! Nf8 22.b4 no chances for the black bishop to survive.]
17.Be3 The white development is finished. The first rank is defended.
[It is of utmost importance to analyze the aggressive line
17.b4 and to suddenly eliminate due to
17...Re4! 18.f3
(18.bxc5 Nf3 19.Qa2 Rh4!)
18...Nxf3! 19.Qa2 Rg4 20.gxf3
(and with more efforts
20.Ne1 Qe4 21.Nxf3 Qe2)
20...Qxf3+! 21.Rxf3 Rg1#]
17...Nf3 The Black are obliged to play. Firstly, they are lacking one pawn, secondly, their bishop is in danger. Only energetic actions can save them... Or a win, however they will need the help of White.
[A good alternative.
[Evidently it is not possible to accept the sacrifice:
18.gxf3? Qxf3+ 19.Kg1 Re4!]
18...dxc5 19.Rfd1! Another precise answer - possibly, it is the result of home analysis.
[The White cannot ignore the threat of black pieces. In a series of lines, they are on the edge of an abyss. For example,
19.Qxc5 Rd6! 20.Rfd1 Rh6 21.gxf3 Qxf3+ 22.Kg1 Qg4+ 23.Kh1!
(poor 23.Kf1? Rxh2!)
23...Qf3+ - a draw. 24.Kg1]
19...Re4 The courageous black soldiers are effectively storming the wall.
20.Qf1 The queen retreat poses a real threat on knight takeover on f3.
[Shakriyar escaping the next trap, N+1! After
20.Qxc5? Rh4 21.gxf3 Qxf3+ 22.Kg1 Rd6 there was no defense from threat 23. Rxh2!]
20...Nd4 Even the most courageous are forced to retreat.
21.Qd3 The White were still keeping some overbalance ,this is the first impression.
21...Qe5 Teimour is playing extremely rapidly. In challenging game, which usually takes several hours to think over, he almost does not spend any time. This is probably because of his great knowledge of the subject.
22.Bxg5 A principal materialism! Computer kids do not know what "danger" means.
[Attention is required:
[Of course, not:
22...Qxg5? 23.Qxe4]
23.Bd2 Rh4 The attack of black pieces is strong enough.
In the line:
[24.Qg3 Qh5 25.h3 Ne2 26.Qd3 Rg8! the white pieces, despite of two extra pawns, risked a failure.]
24...Qxd5 The Black keep pressuring on the residence of white king. The timing is: 0.54 - 1.39.
[The following was weak:
25.c3? Rg8! 26.Rg1 c4 27.Qe3
(27.Qf1 Rxh3#)
25...Qc6 There is a danger on g2. There are a few defenders near the white king.
[It was possible to continue the game with the following moves:
26.Ra3 Rg8 27.Qf1 but of course the white position does not look good.]
26...Nf5 27.Qd3 Nd4 The repetition of the moves is quite logical.
28.Qg3 Nf5 29.Qd3 Nd4 30.Qg3 Nf5 A draw. Honestly speaking, this was an expected result. However, the game turned out to be really interesting and theoretically important. Yanish lived, lives and will still live! GM Sergey Shipov was working for you, my dear readers. See you tomorrow in the 7th round at the same, at the same spot. My best regards! (Translated by Jamila Gasimova and Narmina Mammadova)
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