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Objavljeno: 15 Avg 2007 12:39 |
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Pridružen/-a: 27.02. 2007, 14:02 |
Prispevkov: 420 |
Kraj: Dob pri Domžalah |
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Rezultati 4. kola
Škoberne,Jure (10) 1/2 (7) Lenič,Luka
Borbeni remi
Kdo bi si mislil, da črnemu uspe v tej poziciji remizirati, vendar ne dvomim, da je Jure že veliko prej izračunal potek do konca partije
Borišek,Jure ( 1/2 (6) Pavasovič,Duško
"Velemojstrski remi", dolgočasna partija, brez ognja in žara. Počitek ob šahovnici
Barle,Janez (9) 0:1 (5) Šebenik,Matej
A48: 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 g6: Torre, London and Colle Systems 1.Sf3 d6 2.d4 g6 3.Lf4 Lg7 4.e3 Sf6 5.c4 [5.Ld3 c6 6.Sbd2 Sh5 7.Lg5 Lg4 8.h3 Lxf3 9.Sxf3 Da5+ 10.c3 Lf6 11.b4 Da3 12.Dc2 b5 13.e4 Lxg5 14.Sxg5 h6 15.Sf3 a5 16.bxa5 Sf4 17.0–0 0–0 18.Tfb1 Sxd3 19.Dxd3 Txa5 Westlund,M-Jensen,H/Copenhagen 2001/CBM 83 ext/1/2 (41)] 5...Sh5 [5...0–0 6.h3 Sfd7 7.Sc3 e5 8.Lh2 c6 9.Le2 De7 10.0–0 f5 11.Dc2 a5 12.Tfe1 Sa6 13.a3 g5 14.dxe5 dxe5 15.Tad1 Sac5 16.b4 axb4 17.axb4 Sa6 18.c5 Kh8 19.Db3 b6 20.cxb6 Tjomsland,S-Sutovsky,E (2530)/Gausdal 1995/CBM 47 ext/1/2 (47)] 6.Lg5N [6.Lg3 c5 7.Sc3 cxd4 8.exd4 Sxg3 9.hxg3 Db6 10.Dd2 Lg4 11.Sd5 Dd8 12.Se3 Lxf3 13.gxf3 Sc6 14.d5 Sd4 15.Lg2 a5 16.Th4 Db6 17.Td1 Sf5 18.Sxf5 gxf5 19.Lh3 Dxb2 20.Dxb2 Lxb2 Ragnarsson,J (2130)-Asgeirsson,H/Reykjavik 1996/CBM 52/1–0 (5 ] 6...Sd7 [6...h6 7.Lh4=] 7.Sc3 h6 8.Lh4 g5 [8...c5 9.Le2=] 9.Sd2 Sdf6 10.Le2 [10.Lg3 Sxg3 11.hxg3 c5=] 10...gxh4 11.Lxh5 Sxh5 [11...e5 12.Lf3 exd4 13.exd4=] 12.Dxh5˛ e5 [12...c5 13.Dxh4 Lf5 14.Td1˛] 13.dxe5 [13.0–0–0!?˛ must be considered] 13...Lxe5= 14.Sf3 [14.Sde4 Tg8 15.f4 Lxc3+ 16.Sxc3 c6 17.Dxh6 De7=] 14...Lxc3+ł 15.bxc3 Df6 16.Tc1 [16.Sd4 Tg8 17.Dd5 c6ł] 16...h3 [16...Tg8 17.Dxh4 Dxh4 18.Sxh4µ] 17.g3ł Tg8 [17...0–0 18.Sd4ł] 18.Sd2 [18.Sd4 Kf8 19.0–0 Tg5ł] 18...Tg5 Black threatens to win material: Rg5xh5 [18...Ld7 19.f4µ] 19.Se4 White threatens to win material: Ne4xf6 19...Dg6 [19...Txh5?? a fat bite, but... 20.Sxf6+ Ke7 21.Sxh5+-] 20.Dh4 Te5 Black threatens to win material: Re5xe4 [20...Tf5 21.0–0ł (21.Dxh3?? taking the pawn will cause White grave problems 21...Te5 22.Sxd6+ cxd6–+ (22...Dxd6?! 23.Dh4 Dd3 24.Dd4–+) ) ] 21.Sf6+= Kf8 Black loses the right to castle 22.Sd5 [22.0–0 Le6=] 22...Lg4 [22...Lf5!?µ] 23.0–0= [23.Sxc7?? taking the pawn will bring White grief 23...Th5 24.Tg1 Txh4 25.gxh4 Tc8–+] 23...c6 Black threatens to win material: c6xd5 [23...Lf3!?= deserves consideration] 24.f4˛ White threatens to win material: f4xe5 24...Th5 Black threatens to win material: Rh5xh4 25.De7+ White forks: f8+b7 25...Kg7 26.Sc7 White threatens to win material: Nc7xa8 [Instead of 26.Dxb7 De4 27.Tf2 Tc8ł] 26...Tc8 [26...Dd3 27.Tf2 Tc8 28.Tcf1˛] 27.Se8+ [27.e4!? Txc7 28.Dxc7 Dxe4 29.Tf2=] 27...Txe8= 28.Dxe8 White wins the exchange 28...Le6
29.f5?? throwing away the advantage [ą29.Tf2= would save the game] 29...Txf5–+ 30.De7 [30.c5 Txf1+ 31.Txf1 Dc2–+] 30...Txf1+ 31.Txf1 Lxc4 [31...Lxc4 32.e4 Lxf1 33.Kxf1 Df6+ 34.Dxf6+ Kxf6–+] 0–1
Jeran,Boštjan (1) 0:1 (4) Tratar,Marko
Zanimiva, borbena, živa partija. Boštjan Jeran je velemojstra Tratarja
dodobra namučil
Sakelšek,Tadej (2) 1:0 (3) Gombač,Jan
XVII. memorial dr. Milana Vidmarja
Ljubljana, 11.-19.8.2007
Št. Ime Kat Fed ELO LRat Klub T Koya Mesto
1. Pavasovič,Duško GM SLO 2584 2549 ŠD Ptuj - Veplas Velenje 10.0
2. Tratar,Marko GM SLO 2491 2423 ŠK ZM Branik Maribor 10.0
3. Sakelšek,Tadej M SLO 2479 2383 ŽŠK Maribor LANCom 8.0
4. Šebenik,Matej IM SLO 2465 2409 LŠK Metalka Trgovina 7.0
5. Borišek,Jure IM SLO 2506 2480 ŠK Nova Gorica 5.0
6. Škoberne,Jure IM SLO 2479 2374 LŠK Metalka Trgovina 5.0
7. Gombač,Jan FM SLO 2290 2253 ŠD dr.Milan Vidmar Ljublj 4.0
8. Lenič,Luka IM SLO 2538 2455 ŠD Vele Domžale 2.0
9. Barle,Janez IM SLO 2400 2350 ŽŠK Maribor LANCom 2.0
10. Jeran,Boštjan MK SLO 2153 2101 ŠD Vele Domžale 0.0
Arbiter: Bojan Arzenšek, IA
WinSvicar by Ales Drinovec verzija 1.10.09 Lastnik: Sah. zveza Slovenije |
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